Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Come sail away

     Part of life is about making memories. Some memories hold more meaning than others. They carry with them more than just a recollection of events and trigger more emotions. One of the memories I hold very close to my heart is a sunset trip on a beautiful tall schooner named the Appledore II. The trip came just a few short months after a very traumatic event in my family's life. I didn't realize it at the time but I still cradled life like a fragile piece of stained glass that might fall apart any minute.
     The schooner was based out of Key West Florida. I was lucky enough to take a trip to Key West while visiting family. As we wandered around the farthest southern point in the U.S., we noticed the beautiful vessel and a sign for the evening excursions. I wanted a closer look and was invited on board by the first mate. His passion for what he did was evident as he shared the history of the schooner. It was actually known for it's maiden voyage in 1978 that visited many ports of call as it circumnavigated the world. He showed us photos from a National Geographic book of the voyage. His love for what he did was infectious so we booked an excursion. 

     Now, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I am not a fan of water, especially large bodies of water. I have never been on a cruise and never plan to go on one, at least one that takes me far away from visible land.  So, I had some trepidation about going on this evening voyage but I have to say I was also very excited. It had all the makings of a very romantic evening, and it was.

With champagne and a few snacks being passed around, we set out late in the afternoon. We moved into open waters and the first mate hoisted the sails. 
Watching, as the sails captured the wind I understood how this life could be enchanting. Feeling the spray from the water on my face and listening to the sound of the sails in the wind brought about a peace within me, a peace I needed after the trying period in my life. Somehow, something that would normally set fear lose inside me had calmed a raging heartache I had carried for months.
The salty air filled my lungs and tears filled my eyes as I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen.
There was nothing standing in its way, no buildings, no trees, just the beautiful ripples of water, and a few well placed clouds to enhance the experience. I can't explain it, but in that moment as we headed back to port, my heart felt mended.

1 comment:

  1. I have too experienced the overflow of tears at a ocean sunset. There are no words to express the power of that beauty...


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