Tuesday, July 23, 2019

LIfe's Too Short

     One of my all time favorite movies is Ferris Bueller's Day Off. In the opening scene Ferris says,
     "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."
     This has become my mantra in  recent years.
      It's true, you know. Life does move fast. You blink and you are out of high school, married with a couple of kids and then, suddenly, you are a grandparent. How did that happen????
      As a kid, I was fairly cautious. My sister was the daredevil between the two of us. Don't get me wrong I had my moments but for the most part I was happy sitting on the sideline watching others take chances. It could have had something to do with the fact I was somewhat of an accident waiting to happen, so I didn't need to take risks. Living for me was a risk. I was scared of just about everything.
     But, around the time when my kids were hitting high school, I decided to stop being scared and to live. We had planned a trip to Universal Studios in Florida. I knew there were tons of roller coasters. On our previous trips to amusement parks I would never get on the big roller coasters. But this time, I made a commitment to my kids and it changed my life. I told them, any ride you ride, I will ride. Whether it was loopy roller coasters or free falling from ten stories up, I was game.

This roller coaster is called the Dueling Dragons. It was hands down my favorite, especially if you                                                                                                          sat in the front seat.

     Something ignited in me from that trip. I had never really pushed myself to take a chance until then. Once I did, I realized I was missing out on some amazing opportunities.
     From that time forward, I told myself I wouldn't shy away from things that might be a bit riskier.
     So, I tried my hand at a trapeze. Let me say this, it's harder than it looks. You need some upper body strength which at the time I had very little. But, it was crazy fun.

My sister and I did the 5K color run. Although it wasn't so much of a risk, it was a challenge. I highly suggest, if you plan to do a 5k or half marathon or you go for the gusto and do the full marathon, find one that is fun! The Color Run was AMAZING.

     For Mother's Day one year, my son asked if I wanted to go rock climbing at a local gym. I had never been, and to be perfectly honest, it scared the bejeebers out of me, but I was game. It was one of the most AMAZING experiences I have ever had. We didn't have tethers. It was all free climbing but there was a big spongy mat below in case you fell. Which I did. But, it was after I accomplished an upside down grab. I have never felt so strong in all my life.

    For my daughter's birthday a couple of years ago, she wanted to try skydiving. I haven't gotten the guts up to actually jump from a plane yet, but neither had she so we opted for the next best thing. We went to IFly! Again, this was something that I had no clue would be so difficult. I thought the big fan just blew you up in the air and there you were. It's not quite that simple. You have to put your body in specific positions to capture the air, but when you do...WOW!!!! What an AMAZING feeling.

The most recent opportunity I got was to go Ziplining with my niece. We actually went as the sun was setting and a storm was rolling in. There is nothing better than flying above the trees with the rainbow colored clouds above and lightening in the distance.

Life does move too fast. So, don't just sit and watch it go by. Participate. Take some risks. Step out of your comfort zone. Let your heart beat a little faster. You might find your greatest memories when you do.

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