It was absolutely fascinating. If you have never had that opportunity, I highly recommend it. It will warm your heart and might possibly change the way you look at the world.
Spending even a day, just allowing yourself to wander in their world, listening to their imagination run wild, can fill you with life and make you look at your world differently.
Suddenly, fallen leaves are beautiful treasures.
Or a rose past it's bloom is a loving offering.
Somehow, the things you take for granted on a daily basis, you look passed more often then not, come in to focus and you can see their beauty. You begin to watch, as they do, as a dragonfly hovers over a plant ready to land.
You take in the iridescent colors of their wings. Had they always been that pretty?
Then, as the child holds out their hand, they speak to the tiny insect hoping the creature will take their offering of the friendly gesture. Surely, not. The insect take flight and suddenly your heart hopes. The child's eyes widen and you watch in utter disbelief as the tiny creature lands on the outstretched hand.
Nothing is impossible in a child's world.
Creatures are not creatures, they are friends.
They have lives and stories and families just like us and it's absolutely wonderful.
Looking at it through adult eyes you wonder when your view changed. When was it exactly that you lost the ability to appreciate the world around you?
I took a walk this morning. A dragonfly was perched on the top of a beautiful withering leaf and I held out my hand.
Best blog so far. Tears are running down my face.