Monday, March 16, 2020

Life's a Beach

    There really is nothing like spending some time at the beach to stop all of the spinning plates in your life.
     The feel of the sand against your feet and listening to the waves crash against the shore can do wonders for the anxious soul...or not so anxious.
Anyone who have been to a beach, I'm sure, can attest that the sounds and smells and feel of the beach has a calming effect.
     There are many beautiful beaches in the US. I've been to a few and have some favorites. Each have their own special qualities.
      On a recent trip to Port Aransas Texas we had the opportunity to capture a few special moments that were only made possible from being at the beach.

At the Ferry channel I watched the dolphins playing in the wake of a huge tanker ship.
Although I didn't get my own photos this is what it looked like. Something about seeing them just makes my heart sing.

There is a jetty in Port Aransas where people often go to fish. But there is something very special about the jetty. It is a favorite spot for sea turtles to hang out.
And, if you time it just right, there are certain times during the year that baby sea turtles are released.   

  Also during the spring Port Aransas has their annual SandFest. People come from all over to compete. Although we were a little early for that festival(we came for the OysterFest) there were people already practicing.

     Of course there are other things you can do while you are hanging out at the beach. We spent one morning collecting seashells.

                      Rescuing wayward starfish. We made a difference for at least three.

Because of the winds coming off the surf, its a great spot for flying kites.

     I just wouldn't suggest doing it during spring break when the beaches are so crowded you can't move. But I wouldn't suggest going down there during that time anyway unless of course you are in college and want to have one crazy week with a bazillion other college students.
     But, one of my most favorite things to do when I am at the beach is get up early in the morning, grab a cup of coffee and take a walk. And wait...
    At some point it will happen. It will start out as a slight glow in the distant sky and it will grow. Beams of light will cascade across the clouds lighting them up in a rainbow of colors. I stand there and watch the miracle happen and it takes my breath away every single time.

LIFE HAPPY NEW YEAR It's my anniversary! Yep! Me and the man who became the hero of my love story took the plunge January 1st, 1983 whic...