Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Random Ramblings of Cabin Fever

     Shelter in place, they say. So, I do. I've only gotten out to go to town a handful of times these past couple of weeks and that was just to go to the store and pharmacy and maybe just ride around.
    I've filled my time with writing and little projects around the house like the DREADED pulling weeds but even that has been put on hold because it has been raining.
   I go for walks and have set up a quasi gym in my spare bedroom and been exercising as much as possible, because that is what the healthcare professionals say to do to build your immune system.
   Am I afraid? Well...honestly? Yeah. I think everyone is a little. It's the unknown. We are having to take a wait and see attitude because no one really knows what will happen tomorrow. No one really knows if all the reports are accurate or if there will be a vaccine made available or medications that will lessen the severity. It's all speculation at this point. It's good to be a little afraid because that makes you a little more cautious and cautious is good at this point. You think about your actions, take few more healthy steps, wash your hands a little better, a little more.
    But, although I will admit to being afraid, I have faith that everything will work out. We will come out of this. Our country might look a little different, but we will come out with the knowledge that, though we may be a bit battered and bruised, we may have a few cuts and scrapes, we fought through the battle and won. And yes, this is a battle. This is a war on our country and the world. We, as soldiers, have been given instructions to fight, and we must take it seriously just as if we have been given guns and ammunition.
    So, stay home if at all possible. Wash your hands often and disinfect anything that comes into your house. Don't touch your face. Eat healthy foods with lots of color. Get some exercise and get some sleep. If you have family with you, spend quality time with them. Video chat with those who aren't with you.

     And don't forget to take the time to remember, even through these uncertain times, you are blessed.

LIFE HAPPY NEW YEAR It's my anniversary! Yep! Me and the man who became the hero of my love story took the plunge January 1st, 1983 whic...