Friday, May 1, 2020

I'm going to love you...

     Ahhhhh... young love. That fluttery feeling that you get in your chest every time that guy or girl appears. You barely can breathe. Oh, and the first kiss.

The first time your lips touched and lightening bolts shoot through your entire body. And what about the moment that you knew that person that left your legs weak was the ONE.

     There is nothing like love. It's the greatest feeling in the world. But, I heard someone say not too long ago, that that love, that passionate, adoration, knee weakening love is for fairy tales and romance novels. Why? Have we become a society that has become disillusioned with love? Or have we forgotten how to love or what it is?

     We all know that feeling when we meet our true love. The attraction, the passion, the never wanting to be separated from them. Their kisses and touches make you feel like the world stopped.

     After marriage, we quickly fall into routines and jobs and dealing with kids and trying to balance it all can be so overwhelming that after a while we feel like we are just surviving. The last thing we think about is love. We push love aside for another time and that other time keeps getting pushed down the road until years have passed and suddenly the one we loved, the one who we couldn't stand to be separated from, the one who made us weak in the knees is nothing more than a companion. How sad is that? Do you know what is even sadder? Suddenly losing someone that you once loved with all your heart.

     There is a song titled "Love You Like I'm Going to Lose You." We think the people we love will always be there. But, sometimes that's just not true. Sometimes the ones we love the most, suddenly are taken from us. If you don't think it will happen to you, don't be too sure. No one knows their last day.

       One day you are playing out your usual daily routine of chaos and the phone rings and someone is on the line telling you the one you love has been in an accident or gotten sick. It all becomes too real too quick and suddenly you can't remember the last time you told them you loved them and you wonder if you will ever be able to tell that person how much you love them again let alone show them how much you love them.
     We need to stop and take a breath and realize what we have. Think about those first days, that electricity, that first kiss, the adoration. That passion. Then we need to love that person like we're going to lose them. Be more than a companion. Tell them what they mean to you and show them that you love them with the passion and adoration that you did when you first fell in love with them. It's not too late to rekindle that love. No matter how old you are.


1 comment:

  1. This is so true. We need to remember this. Love really does make the world go round.



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