Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Artist

      It's snowing! This makes me tremendously happy. As I sit and watch the snowflakes fall peacefully to the ground and melt, I consider their intricacies and how they are made. Now whether you believe in a creator or just a fluke of science, it doesn't matter to me. Snowflakes are just plain cool.     

     But, they aren't perfect, at least not in our eyes. When you look closely, some sides are more detailed than others leaving them unbalanced and some seem like just blobs of ice. 

     Now I choose to believe, there is someone out there who made the snowflakes so delicate and pure, who made the sky turn brilliant colors in the morning and evening, who made the ocean waves white capped as it rolled to the shore, who made the thunder and lightening to light up the sky and who made the rainbow after the storm.

      I believe there is someone out there who made the wolf's howl so eerie yet so beautiful who made the sound of a baby's cry set a pain inside his mom's and dad's chest, and who made the sound of an uncontrollable laugh be contagious to those listening.

     I believe there is someone out there who allows our skin to tingle with the touch of love and who makes us sigh when we taste something delicious.

     The creator simply is an artist. Each of his brush strokes is for a reason to bring light into the darkness and color into the emptiness. His entire creation is to bring us joy just as an artist's painting or a song writer's lyrics or even a writer's words are created to bring us joy.

     Life is amazing through all of our senses, isn't it? So, why does it seem nothing is perfect in our eyes? We see our world as flawed and sometimes it's hard to understand. Somewhere along the way, we started focusing on what was wrong not what was right.

     But here's the thing. Even though we see all the flaws, I truly believe the one who created us, still sees us and the world as his perfect artistic piece. See, I am not the scientific type. I don't even know if I have that part of my brain that is logical and analytical or if there is even such a thing as right brain and left brain. All I know is, as an artist, I love to imagine what could be and put it down on paper, hoping to make someone happy with the final result. What if we looked at life the same way we contemplate a piece of art. When you stand in front of a piece of art, you don't think about whether it has flaws, you look at how each brush stroke wove together to create this beautiful painting. It makes you wonder what the artist was thinking about while they created it, and I choose to think the one who created us is similar. He is an artist. He loves to create stuff from his imagination, contemplates what colors to use, chooses the placement carefully then watches us smile as it takes our breath away when we see it.

     I know I smiled this morning numerous times while I watched it snow. I even giggled with joy. But my thoughts went back to the idea that there wasn't one perfect snowflake. 

In my eyes, human eyes, nothing is perfect. No one is perfect and we tend to focus on the imperfections. I don't think the creator looks at it that way or wants us to.  He created every snowflake with it's own design because each one adds to the beauty overall. He created each person with their own unique character, their own unique look, to follow their own unique path to add to his grand tapestry of life. 

     Isn't it time we looked at this world as being unique and not flawed? How different would the world be if we changed our perception. 



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