Several years ago I started a blog called Unexpected Passions simply to share my thoughts on life experience.
As I ventured into the life of an author, my blog took a back burner as I let my imagination take hold, and Dalton Skies came to life.
Now, with the last book in the series in the process of being published, I'm stepping out and trying some new. I'm taking my old blog and turning it into a monthly newsletter. If it does well, I might make it more often, but for now, until I can find someone to help with my social media stuff, I'll start with monthly.
Things are moving forward for book 6 of Dalton Skies. Contracts have been signed so I'm just waiting to start the publishing process. I'm also working on an Indie project that I'm very excited about. It will still be available just like all the rest of my books but this one might even have a couple of other options. I'll be releasing more information soon!
New Release
Meghan Quinn just released the fifth installment of the Vancouver Agitators. I've read the first four books and they have kept me fanning myself part of the time and giggling the other part.
Kelly Seibold's HEALING series
The series is now complete and I absolutely love every single story.
Heal Me was released in April and just like the cover, It was HOT!!!!