Sunday, September 8, 2024

WHOA! September snuck up on me. I've been deep in my editing cave working on my next two projects and if all goes well, I will have one ready to go before the end of the year. 

                                             AUGUST HAPPENINGS

I have to say, even though August was BUSY, it was so much fun. I had two book signings. BookMeRomance in Ft. Smith Arkansas was the first. It was absolutely fabulous, and I finally got to meet Vic Leigh! We both are from Oklahoma and we've been anxious to meet each other. Unfortunately, I was so awestruck, I didn't get a photo. But, here is her latest release. 

I also attended The Lubbock Literacy Festival at the end of the month and let me tell you, they went above and beyond to make the authors feel special. We were fed breakfast lunch and dinner and there were volunteers and waitstaff that were always there if we needed a drink or a bathroom break. 

I got to finally meet Shannon Myers 

and picked up this bad boy!

And Jen Simmons and I finally got to hang out too. Both these ladies are absolutely the sweetest people. As you can see from my expression, Jen is absolutely hilarious and so are her books. 

I HIGHLY recommend this one.


As I was saying earlier, I have been working on a couple of projects. This fall I hope to finally release the first book I wrote, a stand alone romance.

That's right, Dalton Skies, 24 to Life, was actually not my first novel. I've been sitting on this story for just the right time to release it. NOW IS THE TIME! Or sometime this fall at least.

Question: Do you have a childhood friend that you still think about? Wonder whatever happened to them?

Owen Cramer was reeling from the loss of his hero and wondering how he was going to navigate life without the person he was closest to, his dad. But just as he started to lose all hope that everything would work out, a blast from his past appeared in the form of a woman with honey colored curls and light green eyes. 

Bahn Jackson returned to her childhood home to reunite with her best friend who she hadn't seen in over a decade. But she wasn't prepared for the man she found. As they reminisced about the adventures  they'd shared as kids, they began to realize the connection they had was  more than just a childhood friendship. 

But assumptions were made that opened painful wounds and threatened to tear not only their budding relationship apart but the friendship they'd rekindled. Add in the thousands of miles that separated them and they were left wondering if they should have let the past stay in the past. But Love knows better! 

The last novel of Dalton Skies is currently at the publishers. Hopefully, it will be moving forward to the next step toward being published. I am hoping it will be released sometime in early 2025 and with it, the Dalton Skies series will be done. 

But never fear.....I have a new series in the works. I'm hoping to have the first book in the series ready to go by summer. How's that. And guess what? There are easter eggs tying all the books to each other...just for fun. 


                                DALTON POLICE FORCE

"You're late," Cody chided as Mitch strolled up to the counter at 24 to Life. 

"Had to work a B and E this morning."

"Damn. I thought we had all our crime issues behind us. Who got broken into?"

Mitch chuckled. "Well, technically it was just the entering. There was no breaking because the window was open. Grandpa Dale called first thing this morning. Said he had an intruder that broke into his car. When I got there he was standing a few feet away from his prized Chevelle, pointing at the open door.  It kind of struck me as odd but I approached the car, gun ready. As I got closer I saw some movement and that's when I realized our intruder wasn't of the human kind. A young buck with a few points had somehow jumped through the open window and got his antlers caught in the steering wheel. Took Dale and I almost thirty minutes to free him. Every time I nearly had him free, he twisted and wedged himself back in the wheel. After I finally got his antlers out of the steering wheel he just sat there staring at me like he didn't want to leave. I swear if we would have given him the keys he would have stolen the car." 

            New Releases and Pre-Orders

Being stranded with your enemy on a deserted island could be tricky. Might need to carry a big stick, or at least be able throw it well. 

Claire Kingsley is releasing the third book in the Haven series September 12th. I already have it on pre-order.

And finally this beauty will be releasing September 24th. I had the opportunity to read this also and it is absolutely FABULOUS!!!!

  My favorite time of year is on its way, and I am excited. I can feel it in the air, and even smell it when I step outside in the morning. ...