Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Joy comes in the morning

     Joy. That unexplained rush that comes over you that makes the corners of your mouth tip up or maybe even cause you to burst with laughter. There are no good words to describe the feeling of joy but everyone yearns for it.
     There is one thing that I can guarantee that feeling to arise in me. A sunrise. It is one of my favorite things in life. In my first novel, and I am sure many others to come, I write about the beauty of a sunrise. It can not only evoke a smile but tears. Standing on the beach or in my yard, it doesn't matter, a sunrise filled with color will definitely start my day off right.
     I normally get up before dawn and am on the road at sunrise. I have stopped many times just to take in the beauty of the sky.
     I have wished many times I had the talent to paint a large painting of a sunrise that I could hang in my house just so I could look at it any time I wanted. But, I don't think it could capture the true essence of the colors the sky holds.
     Being a shutterbug, I have taken many photos of  sunrises. But again, as I look at my photos, none compare to the real thing. There is something about watching the sun crest over the horizon, and the colors of pinks, yellows, purples, oranges and blues dance among the clouds that fills me with a peace yet sets my soul on fire.

     There is a Winnie the Pooh cartoon called Cloud Painting that depicts how I feel when I see a sunrise.
     Have you stopped to really take in a beautiful sunrise lately? Set your clock. Get a good cup of coffee and a good view, and soak it up.

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