Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Random Acts

     Today is a very special day for me. It happens every year. As a kid, I waited with anticipation for this day, because I knew it meant presents. As the years went by, it seemed like they came more rapidly and all I wanted was for time to slow down.

     Then, a few years ago, I noticed a post from a friend who celebrated their birthday just a few days before me. They decided to celebrate their birthday in a unique way. For each year of their age, they performed a random act of kindness. I thought it was an amazing idea so I tried it. I hate to say it but being that I am past middle age, it was actually kind of difficult to squeeze in that many different random acts in one day. So, the next year, I spread it out over a week.

     The past couple of years I have asked my friends to join in and that is what I am doing today. Below is a list of ideas. In the comments at the end of the blog, let me know what you did.

     These acts of kindness are the best birthday present because I know others have been blessed.

     Here's the list of ideas.
1. buy someone coffee or breakfast
2. take some toiletry items to the homeless shelter
3. take some food items to the food bank
4. put quarters on the machines at the grocery store for kids to find
5. buy someones groceries
6. pay for someones lunch in the drive through
7. bake cookies and give them to the police department, fire department, EMS, Urgent Care, hospital
or any of the places that deliver a service to you. (hair salon, dentist, eye doctor etc.)
8. take supplies to a teacher
9. This is one of my favorites-take old towels to the animal shelter
10. Leave a generous tip at a restaurant
11. Send someone flowers
12. Take socks and blankets to a nursing home
13. Leave a treat in the mailbox for your mail carrier
14. call a friend or relative you haven't talked to in a while
15. compliment a stranger
16. Invite a neighbor for dinner
17. donate blood
18. take some toys to the pediatric hospital
19. read to kids at the library
20. send a care package to some soldiers

One thing that doesn't cost and is always appreciated is Time. Take time today to listen to someone, encourage someone love on someone.

Kindness knows no color or social status and always returns the blessing.

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