Wednesday, January 29, 2020

In the Eye of the Beholder

     I woke up with this rolling around in my head this morning. What exactly is beauty?  Most people attach beauty to what they see on TV or in the magazines. Magazines are filled with faces and bodies that are considered perfect and beautiful with headlines that read "Top 10 Sexiest Men" or "Hottest Models." We all know that the people on TV and in the magazines have had artists applying their makeup and photographers getting their best angles. On rare occasions we get a glimpse into their real lives and see them behind the makeup and doctored photos and guess what? They are real people just like you and I, with scars and flaws.

      I truly believe, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Each person sees beauty differently. For most of us, seeing ourselves each and every day means we know where every flaw is, and we beat ourselves up over them. But, when our friends see us, they see past our scars and see our beauty. They combine what is on the inside with what is on the outside.
     I also think that seeing a person's true beauty takes time. Case and point. Have you ever found someone attractive on TV then heard them giving an interview or found out they kicked their dog and suddenly realized they weren't as attractive as you once thought? Or, saw someone on TV who you didn't think was runway model material but yet they had an inspiring interview or rescued a starving pup and suddenly you saw a beauty in them you hadn't seen before.
      I think everyone and everything has the power to be both beautiful and ugly. How you present yourself from the inside is what makes you beautiful on the outside.  It's the same in nature in many ways.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

 There is beauty in a fire.
Watching the flames in all their colors is mesmerizing and beautiful.

         But when it is destroying homes and killing people and animals it's horrifying.


 A huge ocean wave to an experienced surfer is a thing of beauty.


But to a city on the coast, it spells disaster.

                             For someone who loves skiing the fresh powder

                    there is nothing prettier than beautiful snow capped mountains
Unless the snow gives way

If you search the world looking for ugliness, you will find it. If you search the world looking for it's beauty you will find it too. Beauty is in the Eyes of the Beholder.

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