Thursday, July 15, 2021

It's Your Choice

 Decisions Decisions Decisions! Life is full of them. Some are easy, like, what to make for lunch. Oh wait, that one is kind of hard. How about, whether to brave the 110 degree heat and go for a walk or stay inside in the air conditioning. No brainer. I will pick the A/C over sweat. 

Your life IS the decisions you make. Chances are you have made a few good ones and a few bad ones. There are some curveballs thrown in there, that might be unexpected but how you deal with those curveballs, again, is a decision you have to make and it will affect the course of your life. 

I can think of tons of choices that I've made both good and bad. Here are just a few that have brought about huge changes in my life.

I've always heard that in life you can choose to be the Villain, the Victim or the Hero.

I never wanted to be the Villain. Most people don't choose that path. I always wanted to be the hero. I like helping people. But there were times I played the part of the victim. Everyone has those moment of "why me." Unfortunately, some have more of those moments than others. But in those moments, after a brief intermission of losing my mind totally, I chose to search for a way out. I never liked the feeling of being helpless so I chose to have the mindset of "things will get better." But in those moments, I knew I couldn't just sit there and wait for the better time to happen. I had to pick myself up and put one foot in front of the other. 

It was the same when tragedy struck. After losing my father, my step-father and my best friend, I could say I've had some tragedy in my life and I might even have the right to be a bit bitter. I could have easily let it consume me.

But, I choose to remember the good memories, not the bad. Yes, in some of the hard times I've faced, bad memories sneak in from time to time but again, the choice is there whether to let it take hold or take flight.

We've all had times in our lives that are bad memories. Times when we've felt less than perfect. I could rattle off tons of accidents I had,(I was a bit accident prone), embarrassing moments, things I said and wish I could take back, and days where I've just felt like I should have stayed in bed. They all creep into my thoughts and I shudder. But instead of crawling into bed and pulling the covers over my head thinking I'm a lost cause, I chose to live with it.

Yep, I'm awkward. And guess what, someone fell in love with that fly by the seat of my pants, awkward redhead.

Which leads me to my next choice. I chose my hubby. Well it wasn't all my choice, he had to choose me too, but this one was a big decision. It was a definite LIFE CHANGING choice and I knew it going into it. The decision to love someone for the rest of your life is not easy and sometimes I think we forget we chose to love that person. Life gets in the way, with jobs and kids and before you know it you are just basically living with them and trying to survive. The love you had when you married, that you promised in your vows, suddenly is a distant thought. You didn't vow to survive with the person, you vowed to love them. It's a choice.

Love them like the day you married them. Crush on them. Adore them. You'd be amazed at what comes back to you.

And while you are choosing to love, choose to love everyone. Most people will say, well I already do that but for me, in the era I was raised in, I am finding, I didn't. Just being honest. I can make excuses like I didn't learn the truth in school or it was how everyone was raised around that time but the good thing is, I realized I was being judgmental against people and I chose to stop. The truth is, we all need love. We all have stuff going on in our lives that no one knows about and just a side-eye can tear someone apart but a simple smile and hello can make their day. So why not choose to put a smile on someone's face.

There's a boomerang effect when you choose the positive, when you choose to smile, when you choose to love. Others feel it and it bounces right back to you.

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