Thursday, July 27, 2023

You know what they say about ASSUMING

 It's been a hot minute since I wrote something in my blog. I've been off in my fictional la la land where I can escape the worries of the world...or at least correct them. 

But I was reading a story recently that just had me hit pause for a moment and take to my blog, because honestly, my heart hurts from what I see happening. It's nothing new really. We make assumptions every single day. But are we right every single time? No. And do we come to the assumption in the mindset of love...or hate? 

It seems in this day and time, more and more it leans the latter being true. We are way too quick to assume someone is doing something to hurt us or offend us or sway us.

Here's a little story- This happened to a family member of mine recently. After buying a few groceries at the store, they were leaving, and saw someone coming into the store, so they pulled their items out of their cart and left it for the person coming in as a courtesy. But the man that came through the door started yelling at them. "Are you too lazy to put the cart away?"

Where did their assumption come from? Love or Hate

Here's another story that happened to me. I went to work out at the gym. I'm always pretty observation while I'm working out, to make sure I'm not moving in on someone's equipment while they are doing their circuit. 

I noticed a specific piece of equipment, I wanted to use, was empty except it had weights on the bar and a bench beneath it. There was no one around that looked like they were using the equipment so I moved the weights and bench and adjusted the bar. As I'm doing my exercise, I hear an irate voice behind me say, "I wasn't done with that."

I finished my set and apologized. I said, "I'm sorry,. I didn't see anyone around the equipment so I figured the stuff just got left." 

He told me he'd gone to the bathroom. I apologized again and offered to help him reset his stuff but he declined. We both basically made assumptions. I tried to respond in kindness while he was less than kind. Later, I went back and apologized again and his attitude had changed. He apologized for barking at me, I guess realizing there was no way for me to know he wasn't done with his sets.

In the story I read, someone made several assumptions about someone else based off how they were raised. Every single assumption they made was wrong. 

We always think our assumptions are right. But what if they aren't? We will not be right every time so when we go into an argument or confrontation with someone, how should we approach? If we approach in a kind, loving manner, does it not stand to reason that we might have a better resolution. If we went into a confrontation or discussion trying to see things from the other person's perspective, would it not be easier to understand where they are coming from? 

There is so much information out there in the world these days, it seems every subject has opposing sides and it is hard to determine what is factual and what isn't. So whatever we've heard or read, we need to realize that we may have our 'facts' wrong.

Everybody has their beliefs and I think we all have a right to believe what we want to. Heck on the news recently, they said they have concrete proof that there are aliens out in our galaxy and some have come to earth......

And when people spout off their beliefs most of the time they aren't doing it to be mean or confrontational, they are doing it to have confirmation that they are on the right track. So the best thing to assume at the end of the day is ......Positive won't happen every time, but if we approach with understanding and kindness, instead of returning the attack, maybe just maybe we can change the outcome.

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