Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Freedom Song

     Since we are just a day away from the 4th of July, let's talk about Freedom. I feel very fortunate to live in a country that promotes freedom. Many countries don't have that luxury. Our country has fought long and hard to gain our freedom and maintain it.

     The 4th of July celebrates the birth of our country. I didn't think about what it meant much until I took the trip to Philadelphia. As the tour guide was walking us through Independence Hall and the State House, he talked about how the decision was made to go to war.

 Think about that for a moment. This was a decision that not everyone was in agreement about. There were fights that broke out among the leaders. Some thought it was fine to remain under the king while others wanted to be independent. They knew this would bring a war on this newly settled country. Would they be able to withstand the fight for their freedom?

In the end they made the right decision. On July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence was approved and on July 8th a bell rang in the State House Courtyard calling the townspeople to gather for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Many people died fighting for the freedom of our nation and many people are still losing their lives protecting our freedom. I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about my heroes.

     When it comes to pricking my heart, there is just about nothing that does it quicker than men or women in uniform. They are heroes. Plain and simple.

They have sworn to protect and serve.
I don't take that for granted. Many of my family members have served in the military and
my step-father was a fireman.

Although most were tight lipped about their service, humble to the end, I believe each and every one of them were  and are heroes, because of what they agreed to do, protect me, protect my family and protect my country.  Whether they are fighting in the sands of Afghanistan, pulling criminals off the streets,


 fighting a forest fire in California, or rendering aid to an accident victim,
they are heroes continuing to fight for us and for our freedom. 

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