Tuesday, July 23, 2019

LIfe's Too Short

     One of my all time favorite movies is Ferris Bueller's Day Off. In the opening scene Ferris says,
     "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."
     This has become my mantra in  recent years.
      It's true, you know. Life does move fast. You blink and you are out of high school, married with a couple of kids and then, suddenly, you are a grandparent. How did that happen????
      As a kid, I was fairly cautious. My sister was the daredevil between the two of us. Don't get me wrong I had my moments but for the most part I was happy sitting on the sideline watching others take chances. It could have had something to do with the fact I was somewhat of an accident waiting to happen, so I didn't need to take risks. Living for me was a risk. I was scared of just about everything.
     But, around the time when my kids were hitting high school, I decided to stop being scared and to live. We had planned a trip to Universal Studios in Florida. I knew there were tons of roller coasters. On our previous trips to amusement parks I would never get on the big roller coasters. But this time, I made a commitment to my kids and it changed my life. I told them, any ride you ride, I will ride. Whether it was loopy roller coasters or free falling from ten stories up, I was game.

This roller coaster is called the Dueling Dragons. It was hands down my favorite, especially if you                                                                                                          sat in the front seat.

     Something ignited in me from that trip. I had never really pushed myself to take a chance until then. Once I did, I realized I was missing out on some amazing opportunities.
     From that time forward, I told myself I wouldn't shy away from things that might be a bit riskier.
     So, I tried my hand at a trapeze. Let me say this, it's harder than it looks. You need some upper body strength which at the time I had very little. But, it was crazy fun.

My sister and I did the 5K color run. Although it wasn't so much of a risk, it was a challenge. I highly suggest, if you plan to do a 5k or half marathon or you go for the gusto and do the full marathon, find one that is fun! The Color Run was AMAZING.

     For Mother's Day one year, my son asked if I wanted to go rock climbing at a local gym. I had never been, and to be perfectly honest, it scared the bejeebers out of me, but I was game. It was one of the most AMAZING experiences I have ever had. We didn't have tethers. It was all free climbing but there was a big spongy mat below in case you fell. Which I did. But, it was after I accomplished an upside down grab. I have never felt so strong in all my life.

    For my daughter's birthday a couple of years ago, she wanted to try skydiving. I haven't gotten the guts up to actually jump from a plane yet, but neither had she so we opted for the next best thing. We went to IFly! Again, this was something that I had no clue would be so difficult. I thought the big fan just blew you up in the air and there you were. It's not quite that simple. You have to put your body in specific positions to capture the air, but when you do...WOW!!!! What an AMAZING feeling.

The most recent opportunity I got was to go Ziplining with my niece. We actually went as the sun was setting and a storm was rolling in. There is nothing better than flying above the trees with the rainbow colored clouds above and lightening in the distance.

Life does move too fast. So, don't just sit and watch it go by. Participate. Take some risks. Step out of your comfort zone. Let your heart beat a little faster. You might find your greatest memories when you do.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Me Time

          Time is precious these days. Most of us spend way to much time doing things we would honestly rather not be doing. We are caught up in the rat race of life. Whether you are a young professional climbing your way to the top, a parent spending your days as a taxi driver, nurse, counselor and disciplinarian among other things or an older adult heading for retirement, you probably spend way too much time stressed out dealing with others and not enough time taking yourself into consideration.
     Being chronically stressed can lead to at least six different illnesses that can lead to death. It can cause heart disease, cancer, suicide, liver damage, lung damage and diabetes. 

     What is so wrong with taking time for yourself. The answer is nothing. In fact, it is beneficial to your health.

     Women have a tendency to be a little better at "Me Time" then men. Men tend to think "me time" needs to be spent vegging out watching TV or out on a golf course yelling at a little white ball, which is all well and good, but the best way to unwind is to be pampered.

     Here are a few tips to help you unwind whether you are a man or woman.

     1. Massage- There is nothing better to relieve stress and loosen the sore tired muscles than a good massage. This is my absolute favorite way to spend my "me time."

2. Take a nice long bath- If you don't have time to stop for a massage, why not soak in the tub. But don't just fill the tub up with hot water, make it special. Use about 1 to 2 cups Epsom Salts along with your favorite essential oil and let the aroma take you away. Some scents you might try are Lavender, Rose water or Peppermint. Tools you might purchase for your "me time" bath are a Loofa or natural sponge to exfoliate your skin and a Pumice stone to have take the edge off your soar rough feet.

3. Get a haircut. But not just any haircut. Make sure your barber or stylist gives you the full treatment. For guys there are specialty shops that will massage your scalp and put a hot towel on your face before giving you a nice close shave. For women, think about having your eyebrows waxed. Just add a little extra to the visit.

4. Speaking of faces- how about a facial? It's not just for women. Facials are great for men too. Most facials help to deep clean the skin as well as get rid of dead, dry skin cells.

5.Getting away- The best way to pamper yourself is to get away from it all. Whether you head for the mountains
or choose to find a quiet place on a beach
It's always good to take some time away from it all. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Never Too Old

     I am a grandma. Nina to be exact. That means I am of an older generation. Born in the era of flower power, hippies, American Bandstand, landing on the moon... you get it. It occurred to me a while back that it seems the majority of people past the age of say 50, think with aging, everything naturally falls apart. Although, to some degree your body does naturally change, there are still steps you can take to slow down the process and be healthy longer.

     One of my passions is health. I am not in the medical profession, don't get me wrong, my passion developed from my own health crisis several years ago. I try to eat healthy, supply my body with the nutrients it needs, get plenty of rest and water and I exercise. Many people think that after a certain age, exercising is out of the question. Many gain weight and think because bones are getting brittle and injuries are much more probable it is too dangerous to exercise, but that is wrong. Exercising as you get older helps strengthen the muscles and bones and actually helps give you better balance. Proper exercise and nutrition gives you better circulation, stronger bones and muscles including your heart, which makes it less likely for injuries. Now you can't just hop up one day and go out for a jog but sitting down with your doctor and mapping out a plan that fits you is a great idea.

     As you get older, your body chemistry changes. Hormones decrease, which in turn throws your chemical balance off. I firmly believe that regaining that chemical balance slows down the aging process.
That is done through healthier eating, supplements, exercise and sometimes hormone replacement therapy. The hormone replacement therapy may not be for everyone, but for me it definitely was a factor in regaining my health. What I'm getting at is, you don't have to just give up when you hit 50.


 I am a weightlifter. (That's not me in the photo of course)
I enjoy going into the gym, going through my weight training routine on the equipment and feeling stronger when I leave, but there are tons of other exercises you can do and you might be surprised at the results.

     If you are worried about not knowing how to use the equipment, most gyms have personal trainers. They are a great source of information for getting started into an exercise program geared toward your abilities.

     If you are just starting out, you might start with just taking a walk. Increase the distance and speed regularly until you can walk for at least 20 minutes. Try to kick your heart rate up a notch.

 Or, if you have problems with joint pain, consider swimming. Water aerobics is a fantastic way to exercise. Trust me, it's harder than it looks but it really is fun.

     If you are a little afraid to put your head under water, then try your hand at yoga. Yoga is one of the fastest growing exercise programs in the US. It is great for your mind, body and spirit. Although it doesn't look like it would do much, it strengthens your core muscles, helps with balance and the stretching is great for the aging muscles.
If you want to take it up a notch, try a spin class, aerobic kickboxing or Crossfit. Just remember to check it out with your doctor first. There are tons of possibilities out there, and even if you have limitations, there is something for you. You just have to take that first step.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

My Freedom Song

     Since we are just a day away from the 4th of July, let's talk about Freedom. I feel very fortunate to live in a country that promotes freedom. Many countries don't have that luxury. Our country has fought long and hard to gain our freedom and maintain it.

     The 4th of July celebrates the birth of our country. I didn't think about what it meant much until I took the trip to Philadelphia. As the tour guide was walking us through Independence Hall and the State House, he talked about how the decision was made to go to war.

 Think about that for a moment. This was a decision that not everyone was in agreement about. There were fights that broke out among the leaders. Some thought it was fine to remain under the king while others wanted to be independent. They knew this would bring a war on this newly settled country. Would they be able to withstand the fight for their freedom?

In the end they made the right decision. On July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence was approved and on July 8th a bell rang in the State House Courtyard calling the townspeople to gather for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

Many people died fighting for the freedom of our nation and many people are still losing their lives protecting our freedom. I'd be remiss if I didn't talk about my heroes.

     When it comes to pricking my heart, there is just about nothing that does it quicker than men or women in uniform. They are heroes. Plain and simple.

They have sworn to protect and serve.
I don't take that for granted. Many of my family members have served in the military and
my step-father was a fireman.

Although most were tight lipped about their service, humble to the end, I believe each and every one of them were  and are heroes, because of what they agreed to do, protect me, protect my family and protect my country.  Whether they are fighting in the sands of Afghanistan, pulling criminals off the streets,


 fighting a forest fire in California, or rendering aid to an accident victim,
they are heroes continuing to fight for us and for our freedom. 


Newsletter from Award winning author DeDe Ramey.